Evil evil evil Sudoku
I am holding Marsha personally responsible. Because I have been living under a rock for the past year, I had not heard of Sudoku until she mentioned her husband's obsession. So I decided to find out for myself. Evil! Of course, I started with ones rated difficult instead easy or medium, as if I have to prove something to myself. Man, talk about intellectual masturbation. I finished one last night (after the fair maiden was asleep, although I am tempted to neglect her in favor of the numbers 1-9), had a tremendous feeling of accomplishment combined with a strange emptiness, realized I had nothing to show for my work but a scrap of paper and eraser crumbs all over my nightie, and instantly wanted to start another. I am blogging while Yelena naps lest I start another puzzle.
Oh my word yes. I installed a sudoku puzzle game on my Palm Pilot, and promptly disappeared into a morass of digits. Then one day the damn thing told me I couldn't play anymore till I sent someone $10. $10 isn't much at all, but the hours I've gotten back are worth a lot. Still, I might pay that $10 for a little more brain crack. I could always switch to working on paper, which has the advantage of not being so portable.
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