Half-Yelena-asana, Variation 2

Yelena had her first speech therapy session on Tuesday. (Starting next week, she has OT Mondays, ST Tuesdays, music class Wednesdays, PT Thursdays and swim Fridays. She is the hardest working baby in show biz.) It seemed to go well, but it was a little nebulous since, so far, I pretty much do most of the things with her already that we covered. I did get a few more tips and hopefully will get more. Yelena seemed to like the therapist and enjoy the games. The therapist thinks she'll do well and was impressed by Yelena's absorption in her and everything they did. She said that often children with motor planning problems become disengaged very young, but that Yelena doesn't show any sign of that. Not that I needed vindication, but I am super glad that I practiced my modified attachment parenting style and ignored everyone who told me I was spoiling her or too attentive by engaging her constantly. (Yeah, plopping my baby in front of the TV or ignoring her cues would certainly have helped her brain disorder. Of course, some of those critics probably blamed her lack of mobility on my parenting. Shame on them.) The ST said that she's a huge observer, we just need to get her to be more of a participator.
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