Friday, February 18, 2005

Cultural events

  • Last night we saw Heiner Muller's Quartet at Court Theatre. Well, it was a Court production, but it was actually at the MCA. It's based on Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Very loosely. In fact, inspired by Les Liaisons Dangereuses would be more appropriate. As I said to Eli, this is what happens when you let a German interpret a French story. Not to mention making Shopenhauer the pivot point of a play is hardly the key to riveting drama. (Please God, send a Tennessee Williams play my way soon.) I also did not care for Joanne Akailitis' hyperkenetic direction, which did not serve the text well. Sweeping cultural generalization: those Germans sure are obsessed with the scatalogical. Call me narrow minded, but I just can't think of anything less sexy than poop.
  • Tuesday's German cultural event was infinitely more traditional and subdued. It was the first time I've seen Beethoven's Fidelio. Musically, it is a lovely little opera and I understand why it is rarely given a staged performance: it's just not very dramatic. The quartet in the first act was perfect and Beethoven at his best.
  • The Rake went and heard Michael Chabon speak this week. Sounds like a good talk about the process of writing.


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