Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Hallmark Sanctioned Day of Love!

  • My husband is back from Alabama, unlynched and talking with only a slight accent. I know it's not fair to discriminate against an entire region, but I am terrified of anything below the Mason-Dixon line. That includes Florida. (I find neither Gators hanging out on golf courses nor Disneyland on steroids tempting. But I wouldn't mind visiting the Keys or seeing a manatee!) Eli's friend says that there are entire areas in 'Bama that not only will no black person tread, but even he won't go. Yikes.
  • One of the advantages of Eli being out of the house (which happens a lot less often than one might think) is that I got to play my Kate Bush albums and dance around. It was like being a teenager again and finally being home alone.
  • My amazon order just arrived and it weighs more than Cherubino. All the books are hardcover. Guilt free hardcover, since they were purchased with a gift certificate. The biography of Alexander Hamilton (so handsome on the $10) is over 800 pages.
  • I met with the developers of our house yesterday and the issues were settled quite amenably. They are even finishing the floors again, which I didn't think was essential. And they promise good water pressure in all rooms. Well, the rooms where there should be running water. All we need is for their attorney to return from vacation and the process will proceed.
  • A friend was sick this weekend so I brought over Brazil to watch. One brief scene depicts a train car full of business men sitting down with only one person standing up and holding on to a rail. It is a woman. The camera then pans to the cane she is holding. Sounds like my el ride. Hopefully by the time I am enormous and tummy heavy one of those frat boys will give up their seat. But I won't count on it. In my experience, it is almost always women who get up and offer their seat to the eldery or someone on crutches. Wolves, I tell you, wolves. Did their mothers suck or did they just not listen to them?


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