Thursday, July 07, 2005

Close encounters of the furry kind

I've been quiet here so far this week as work has been a bit busier than usual. In my free time I've been scouring websites since we just realized that, even though we don't want stuff for the baby before the baby, we need to buy a few basic things so our infant doesn't go home naked and we need to register since we'll be way too busy once the baby is here. We could skip the registry but people are already asking about it and if we don't register we'll have to return 10 copies of Baby Einstein crack for babies so we might as well ask for what we want. Of course, the baby's predilections could have absolutely nothing in common with our master plan but we'll deal with those issues as they arise.
This weekend our fairy godmother brought over the car seat and stroller her son outgrew, so we were able to cross something off our list. They brought their adorable son, Rafi, with them. He was sacked out for a while but woke up naptastic to meet the kitties at the end of his visit. While his mom held him the cats each did a few drive-by sniffings. His parents seemed to have more confidence in our cats than we did and plopped him on the floor for a closer encounter. Despina and Theo circled widely a few times, whereas Cherubino came right up to Rafi, let him pat him and even nuzzled him right on the face. Rafi thought it was the funniest thing, a big mobile stuffed animal coming up to him, his parents were relaxed, and I was about to have a heart attack for fear that Cheru would get an attack of the nippies, as has been known to happen. No nipping happened, thank God, so I was able to stop my calculations of what our liability insurance might cover and the damage a bitten baby would do to a friendship. Good portents, all the kitties were curious but not upset in any way, with the big guy downright eager to have a new subject worship him.


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