Not peachy keen
Yelena does not like peaches. A few days ago, I gave her some peach-apricot museli, which she rejected after one bite, pursing her lips tightly and shaking her head back and forth. Last night while I was dancing Daddy attempted to give her some peach yogurt. Again, one bite and refusal to eat anything else for fear of the dreaded fruit. For lunch both yesterday and today Yelena gobbled up pear yogurt like it was the best thing since hindmilk, so it's definitely a peach aversion. I wish the Yo Baby Stonyfield yogurt didn't come in mixed packs since now we're stuck with peach yogurt. Stupid packaging.
I find furry slimy peaches revolting, but not so much that I wouldn't offer them to my baby. As a kid, I had an aversion to pretty much all stone fruit. Now I love cherries and, although I don't really eat plums or apricots by themselves, I don't mind them as an ingredient. (Yelena likes both thus far, mixed with apples at least.) It's not just a texture thing, or the feeling of biting into a caterpillar -- it's the sickly sweet smell, my olfactory nerves flashing my primitive brain that something might be rotten. That's probably also why I LOATHE bananas. Just the smell of them, unless totally green, sets my stomach aquiver. And when I was pregnant it was ten times worse, switching el cars to get away from someone dangling a banana peel and smelling Eli's breakfast banana in the evening. I obviously have not offered banana to Yelena yet. I figure if Eli wants her to try some, he needs to buy said evil fruit himself, serve it to her, dispose of the evidence and exorcise all banana aromas from her person before I get home.
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