Sad sad sad
Briefly, Cheru is still in the hospital. The lymphoma is still in remission, although his white blood cell count is low. However, he has hepatic lipidocis (sp?) or, as those who took their Latin know, fatty liver. That explains the anorexia. They're giving him fluids and vitamins and testing to see how his coagulation is, so we can decide if we want a feeding tube put in his stomach, which we can then use, once he's home, to feed him and administer the medicines -- for both the cancer and now the liver -- without him throwing them up. I talked to the oncologist and our vet and, as grusome as the whole thing sounds, it has a high probability of working.
Of course, all of this is outrageously expensive, but what can you do? This is Cherubino we're talking about. The oncologist said he was rubbing up against him during today's procedures and very affection with all the vet techs, which they rarely see. Here's praying.
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