Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me
For a while now Yelena's been giving me kisses. It's evolved past just me putting my cheek up to her mouth. The past few weeks, if I'm lying down next to her while she's sitting, I'll say, "Kiss Mama," and she'll hinge down and give me a big "mwa." Today I said, "Beep Mama's nose," and she grabbed my nose. I interchanged the two instructions in a game and she did the correct one each time. She's also obsessed with poaching my glasses.
Seeing me upside down has been cracking her up lately. Yesterday she was standing holding on to the chair in her room, with me behind her for support, and she'd tilt her head way back and giggle when I made a funny noise or face. She is also highly amused by me bending down to touch the floor with my legs apart.
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