Monday, July 31, 2006

You Give Me Fever

Poor little lamb had her first Mommy Calling the Pediatrician fever on Friday. When I was changing her after our morning nap she felt a little warm. Not all toasty from a nap warm, but hottish. I took her temperature -- which I've mentioned before she doesn't mind and that I find it peculiar -- and it was a bit over 101. Not a huge deal, she runs typically runs a bit hot, so I figured I'd give her some water and get on our way to meet Eric and Gethsemane (the nursery, not the the garden of temptation). We kept her in the shade but it was clear she was grumpy, glaring at the two of us. Eric went with her to sit in the air conditioned car while I finished up. When I got her home her temperature was up to 102.6! I gave her some Tylenol and thus began the roller coaster temperature ride, down to 101.9, up to 103.3 -- which is when I called the doctor -- and a few more ups and downs. I was told not to worry unless she was inconsolable, vomitting, had dry diapers, anything else particularly bothersome, or the fever lasted more than 3 days.
By mid-day Saturday she was at 99, but it was a rough night. She couldn't sleep and was wimpering, like a pathetic puppy. Everytime she'd drift off she'd suddenly awake, like from a delirium. I wonder what babies dream of when they're feverish. She pretty much nursed all night, with bouts of water, which was the only thing that soothed her enough to sleep even a little bit. At 4:30 she had had enough of the boobie and the sippy cup and the idea of sleeping and my job was keeping her entertained and distracted from her misery. Eli took over and, finally, at about 8:30 she went to sleep. Obviously, my plans to go to the farmers market and shul were thwarted.
She was perky all day today and her appetite for solids is back, so I think she's over her malaise.


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