Monday, October 09, 2006

Exciting Yelena developments

Yelena is pretty consistently saying, "Hi," when she first sees one of us. (Sometimes it sounds a bit like "Hiya," which has it's own panache.) It's very cute and friendly of her. Alas, still no repeat of, "Mommy," but she has said, "Yeah," a few times in response to a questions. For the record, the questions were things like, "Do you want boobie?" and "Do you want a cookie?" Who wouldn't say, "Yeah" to those?
In the past few days she's been pulling herself up on her wagon, passing back and forth from my hands to the wagon and back again, pivoting out to the side of me holding only one hand, and taken a few baby steps while still holding on. Progress, slow and steady.
After much gnawing, the sixth tooth has finally emerged. Four top, two bottom.


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