Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The new cat house

Tomorrow at 8 a.m. the burly men of Golan come to move our stuff 3 miles to the north. The most traumatizing part (other than making sure all the odds & ends find their way into boxes tonight -- although, if they don't, we have the old place until the end of the month to gather crap and clean) is the whole cat move. I feel sorry for the little buggers, getting locked in the bathroom for a few hours, shoved in a car, and transported to a new place where they are locked into another room for a few hours. Never to return to the place they called home for nearly 3 years.
Eli subscribes to the Tania feline school of thought. Tania is the goddess who cuts our hair. In the winter, she dunks her cats in the snow a couple times because she, "wants them to experience life." Eli thinks a move is valuable life experience. Their plaintive mewing and confused little faces just make me feel sad and helpless. I'll have to carry Despina in my arms during the drive so she doesn't throw up in her carrier, poor little thing.
Last time we moved we also had to introduce Theo to the Cohens, so there was that added stress. It was very sweet when, in the bathroom of the new place, Spi exited her carrier and went into Cheru's, and the two of them huddled together in his kennel. Hopefully, this time all three will snuggle together for comfort.
Apparently, the cat move is causing me some anxiety since last night I dreamt that I had to move the cats off a military base where I was stationed and couldn't find anyone to give them sedatives for the flight. It was a long, adventurous dream, I recall wandering down canals with Cheru heavy in my arms.


Blogger Tony said...

The solution, and I can't stress this strongly enough, is tuna. Or, if you prefer, you can use wet food -- just as long as it's a super exciting treat. Our cats were very unsure of the new house until I opened that can of cat food and fed them, and they mellowed out almost instantly.

And, I might add, they did not then proceed to meow and demand more wet food. They were too busy exploring the new digs.

4:50 PM  

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