Friday, July 22, 2005

Baby dreams

At my appointment yesterday Dr. Chen asked if I had been having labor dreams. Oddly enough, I haven't. I was having a lot of breast-feeding dreams but those pretty much stopped after my breast-feeding class, so I guess I am no longer anxious about breast-feeding. Apparently, my subconscious isn't too worried about labor, either. I am having weird general baby dreams. In one, I was at work and had left the baby in the closet of the room I grew up in. I remembered sliding the closet door shut, so the cats wouldn't get to it, but I was at work thinking, "Gee, I forgot to feed the baby this morning. Will it be ok until I get home? Wait, aren't I supposed to feed it every 1-3 hours during the day?" but I didn't seem all that concerned. In another dream the baby was somewhere in all the blankets and I was looking for it, like a sock that came off during the night. And in one I had the other night the baby was very small, not premature just miniature, and then it was a potato I had to put in the oven when my alarm went off so it would be ready by the time I got out of bed. Not sure what to make of the last one.
My cervix hasn't progressed much in the dilation/thinning game, so Eli's prediction of me being a week or so early may be way off. (As may his prediction of us having a boy. Right now my intuition is boy: girl, 60%:40%. When I asked Eli a few months ago what his vibe was he said 98% boy. Now that's certainty!) I'm thinking that I'll be right around my due date at this point, but that's as may be.
As long as the baby waits until after the Elvis Costello concert at Ravinia next Wednesday, I don't really care when it comes, as long as it's not too long after my due date. Tuesday is my last day at work (yay!) so I won't have to worry about going into labor at work or having my water break on the el. No more rush hour commuting! No more shlepping a heavy bag around! No more alarm clock!
I shouldn't gloat. In fact, I am starting to feel a little peculiar about this whole leaving work early thing. Except for those blessed 7 weeks I was unemployed a few years back, I've been working full time or going to school/working part time non-stop for over 15 years. I know it's only a brief respite before I'm working 24-7, but I am beginning to feel a little guilty. When I told Dr. Chen I was leaving work next week he asked if I would be bored. I laughed. "Daytime TV?" he asked. I replied that we don't have cable or reception, so certainly not. Funny, over the years I've often been bored at work but I've never been bored at home. It's more the thought that Eli will be slaving away booking freight while I'll be, if not eating bonbons on the sofa, swimming, reading, practicing, cuddling kitties and (what I'm really supposed to be doing) resting. I will hopefully finish a few projects before the urchin arrives, but I will complete them leisurely.


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