Alfalfa meets the Evil Naptime

Isn't that little curl sticking out atop Yelena's head the duckiest? This picture was taken this morning, the three monthiversary of her birth.
Yes, my little Sleep Warrior is three months. That is her new super hero identity: the Sleep Warrior, battling sleep in all its nefarious manifestations. Today, we were up at 8:3o and, except for 10 minutes in the car/carrying in groceries, she just went down for her first nap at 2:06. Yup, that's right, 2:06. And that was after a few earlier tries, the Bjorn, the swing and a few nursing downs (nursings down, like Attorneys General?). Even the one that finally defeated her met with a fierce battle. I put it her in her sleeper and, a minute later, she opened her eyes, began to wail, only to be overtaken by her arch-nemesis mid-cry. Wicked laughter aside, now I can blog for a minute and get a couple not-baby-compatible things done. The good thing: except for distinctly disliking the hardware store, she has been cheerful and smiley all day. I guess I would rather have a good tempered baby who doesn't sleep than a cry baby who takes regular naps.
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