Baby sprout no longer short and stout
Yelena just had a growth spurt. I remember the teacher in my breast feeding class saying that babies typically cluster feed at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. Well, Yelena did the first three on schedule, but I forgot all about the adage these past few months. When she went from sleeping 7-9 hours straight at night to waking up ravenous once, twice, and even an exhausting three times, I started to worry. I was ready to send Eli into the guest room and move Yelena back in our bed so I could get some sleep. I mentioned it in yoga and a few of the moms with older babies said, "Six month growth spurt!" One mom said around six months her daughter nursed every hour all day and every two hours at night.
Mercifully, the past few nights she's reverted to one waking in her 10-10.5 hour night-time sleep cycle. We're not back to the 9-1, 8-2 or 7-3 pattern that I like, yet, but I'll take 6-4 over 4-2-2-2 any day.
The eating has paid off! She definitely grew at least an inch or so in the past week. Last time I looked (really, just a few days ago!) her tippy toes barely touched the bottom of the exersaucer. Today, she was standing flat footed on it, with her pants riding an inch above her socks. I am already phasing out 3-6 month clothes and bringing out some 6-9 months outfits. I'm glad she did this before I went out to California. True, I am only going for 5 nights, but it seems that's all it takes.
Yelena has also made major headway on the cereal front. Every day she increases quantity and thickness and seems to be enjoying it a lot more. Today she was amused by cereal on her nose. I bought a hand pump so she could get the cereal mixer milk freshly squeezed, which she seems to find more appealing. I'm not going to do this gourmet option indefinitely but, for now, whatever facilitates non-boobie food delivery systems is my methodology.
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