Safe and sound
We made it without incident to Long Beach. Yelena was great on the flight, but she's a little discombobulated still from getting up early yesterday, the time change, being too stimulated to nap properly and general flying stress. She is sleeping quite soundly now, so hopefully she's over the baby jet lag. She has also been teething a lot these past two days, displaying all the classic symptoms. Poor thing is bopping around and then suddenly lets out a big wail. Perhaps there will be a tooth in a week or two to show for all this pain.
Since Yelena went to sleep (Grandma and Sabba are out dancing) I have been reading the news and editorials in all the major print media about the Hamas win. This is not a political blog, so I shall address this subject no further.
What I will comment upon is that I just read that Ira Glass is moving This American Life to New York. The f#$%ing bastard. I hope his series on Showtime gets crappy ratings and that he develops a permanent itch in his nether regions.
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