Monday, February 13, 2006

Health, baby and feline

Just a super quick update, since I should already be in bed. Yelena had her 6 month check-up today. She weighed in at 16 lbs. 14 oz., just shy of the 75th percentile. She is 25.5" long, or tall, however one chooses to perceive these things; she shot up, now her height is nearly at the 50th percentile. Her head circumference is steady at 75%, but don't ask me how many centimeters it is, because I didn't ask. She is healthy, developing way ahead on fine motor and social/verbal areas and, despite my concerns, she is fine on gross motor skills. I was worried because she can't sit up by herself, unless a cat is doing something so interesting she forgets to wobble, but the doctor said by this point she is only expected to sit up with assistance and do the tripod thing. (Sure, some babies can sit and scoot and boogie oogie oogie at this point, but that's the exception rather than the norm.) Either from books or the Competitive Mommies League I gathered that she should be sitting by herself at this point -- I am listening to the pediatrician instead. Anyway, no issues, healthy and diagnosed as officially beautiful by Dr. Ramadan.
My other beauty is not doing as well. Cherubino's blood work came back okay, but he is still throwing up, with quite a bit of blood on Saturday and this morning. We started him on an anti-nausea medication today and de-wormed him for good measure, in case he ate a bad bug at some point in the past 6 months. (And he is quite the little bugger.) Allegedly, there are no side effects to de-worming and the meds are cheap -- a lot cheaper than actually running a test to see if there are parasites in the stool. If he doesn't show signs of improvement, he is going in for x-rays and an endoscopy on Thursday. He is still cuddly and otherwise showing no signs of discomfort, so here's hoping.


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