Camera no longer obscura
The digital camera has been found! Tony was right, we had a poltergeist infestation. But I trickst those tricksy devils, I did.
I told Eli that as soon as we went out to buy a new one the missing camera would be found. We combed our entire house, all our bags, etc. We were so dilligent I even organized all my drawers and swept the dust rhinos out from under the beds. Today we finally decided we needed to get a new camera so we could take pictures of Yelena's first birthday. I went to the mall (always a mistake) down Touhy since the Pentax website listed a camera store location. (I must confess, my choice to stick with Pentax had less to do with brand loyalty and more to do with my reluctance to install new software.) Alas, the camera store was no longer there.
Apparently the poltergeists, or gremlins, or household deer, are only in our house and not in our car, since they only heard our conversation about breaking down and getting a new one and not our phone conversation about the store being dark. At playgroup, I couldn't find my keys (had fallen in the sofa cushions after a kid was playing with them, lest you think I am completely absent minded). I reached in a tiny pocket in my purse I swear Eli and I checked half a dozen times and pulled out the camera.
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