Friday, May 20, 2005

Go Jackrabbits!

I've been busy here the past couple days writing a d'var Torah for tomorrow. I basically left it for the last minute but, miraculously, it's pretty much finished. I guess I'll edit it a couple times for odd prepositions and awkward phrases and call it a day. I am getting rather lackadaisical about the whole process, I'll admit. I sort of trust that just by doing a bit of research, leaving half of it on the cutting room floor and having a couple ideas it will still come out better than most. (Not bragging. I just wonder if some of the people who speak in our minyan were too busy at the kegger in college -- or 9th grade, where these skills should be acquired -- to learn how to write a coherent paper. Although we've had some good ones the last two weeks, so I shouldn't complain.)
So news. I am not one who typically reads Sports Illustrated. In fact, until this week, I think I have opened its pages only if it's the only reading material available in a bachelor friend’s bathroom. (I think those are probably the only times I've read Playboy, too, and that really was for the articles. And a few exclamations of, "Those can't possibly be real!" and "What, no razor burn?") But this week it was my favorite magazine. Why? Because my high school was selected as the number one high school for athletics in the country. Whoee! The accompanying, rather lengthy article made Long Beach Poly sound like a utopia of athletics and academics. Home of Scholars and Champions indeed! My nachas runneth over.
I had my test for gestational diabetes on Wednesday. One is considered in the risk zone with blood sugar over 150 and I scored a happy 116. I would have celebrated with a cookie but that nasty drink they gave me temporarily turned me off sugar. Blech. My iron was a little low, which isn't a surprise really. I'll just have to take more iron. Otherwise, everything is progressing as it should.


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