Thursday, July 28, 2005

Last day

Tuesday was my last day of work. Thus far, retirement has been rather anti-climactic. Yesterday, I went to the doctor and ran a bunch of errands, so I was quite busy all day. Today, I did sleep in but then did laundry, went to the post office and scrubbed the kitchen, so it's not exactly eating bonbons and watching soaps. I'm taking a little break here to get off my feet before I do the kitchen floor. Whooeee. Can't say it's much more thrilling than reviewing leases or doing cash flow analyses, but the company (feline rather than office drones) and tunes are certainly better. Although since I woke up the cats are ignoring me pretty much as my co-workers did. Not that I'd want anyone in that office rubbing against me.
Yesterday at the doctor I was dilated 1 cm. The baby hasn't really dropped yet, although it's a bit lower, and I am having some intermittent cramping, but nothing regular at all. We making progress, but hopefully have a week or so to go. We are definitely in the red zone.
I threw out my alarm clock this morning. I may have had it since I started working in commercial real estate, back in the early 90s, for all I know. The radio volume and station both had been stuck for years (low and static) and the snooze bar only worked if pressed strategically in one specific place, but I never felt any pressing need to replace it. Soon, I will have a natural alarm clock, waking me up every few hours so I thought I'd enjoy the respite.


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