Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Who's your Mommy?
Been a bit busy here with Rosh Hashanah, but here's a quick tidbit.
Last Thursday morning, Yelena and I were snuggling in bed. I turned my back to her in one of those, "Just give me 10 more minutes of sleep. You can play with Bear, you can play with my hair, you can vocalize all you want, just give me 10 more minutes." After about 15 minutes, I turned around to face her and she said, with an enormous smile, "Mo-meee." Surprised, I asked, "Did you say Mommy?" She replied, "Mo-meee." I gave her a hug and said, "You said Mommy!" "Mo-meee!" with a big grin.
Since then, nothing. A few people have asked her, "Can you say Mommy?" and she shakes her head. Eli reminds me of how she rolled over 3 times, spontaneously, and then didn't do it again for a couple months. I hope this isn't just a teaser like that.
I can't wait to hear another, "Mo-meeee!" but I guess I have no choice.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Confirmation portrait
This spring, we were in Spain right before Holy Week. In photographers' windows all over the country, we'd see photos depicting a sweet little girl, hands folded in prayer, gazing serenely up at a crucifix. Often, these crucifixes were rather grisly and graphic: tortured expression, blood, nakedness, you name it. As it's not part of my culture, there was something disturbing about the juxtaposition of innocent girl clad in white and the suffering Christ.
I resisted the temptation of Photo-shopping a crucifix behind Yelena in this photo. (She was clapping, but looks quite devout.)

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Little Cubbie
Yesterday Yelena went to her very first Cubs game, which also happened to be her first ballgame. Rafi's parents, Marsha and Brian, had extra tickets and we were thrilled to join them. It was a Ferris Bueller sort of day, warm and clear with a breeze, birds soaring in and out of Wrigley Field and, best of all, the Cubs won 4-0. (Perhaps we should have taken our little good luck charm earlier in the season.) She sat and cuddled in our laps the whole game and seemed to really enjoy herself, especially playing with Marsha's score cards and having her first taste of ice cream.
Before and after the game, Yelena had a good time playing Godzilla with Rafi's trains. Since I've been misplacing the camera right and left -- always within our house, I'll have you know -- we didn't bring it, but Marsha has a cute picture of Yelena and Rafi playing here.
Eli thought baseball was a good start, so I came down from making pomegranate sorbet to find Daddy and Yelena watching football together on the TV. No! We'll have to get Chicago Fire tickets next year to indoctrinate her into real football, you know, the kind you actually play with your feet.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
If I could nap with the animals
Today we went on a jog, with the ostensible goal of Yelena taking a nap. Napping ought to have occurred since said Yelena woke up at her regular time this morning (7:30ish), took only an hour nap neither early nor late and was rubbing her eyes when we left. The excitement of getting back on the road must have been too much for her since it was a no go. We went the half-mile or so to Warren Park, which circles a golf course and numerous fields, around the park and up and down the sledding hill and she was still chirping away. We jogged over to Indian Boundary Park and, since she was the Queen of Perk, went to visit the animals.
Upon talking to a loitering zoo volunteer, I discovered that Beth, the geriatric cow (19+ years) died last month, as did the ancient mute swan. No, I did not ask if the former kicked the bucket or the latter sung a mute swan song. Our friendly neighborhood llamas have sojourned to their autumn home at the Farm at the Lincoln Park Zoo. In their place were very two large white goats named Clark and Addison. (The location of Wrigley Field, for you non-Cubs fans out there.) Apparently, the Farm in the Zoo is overrun with goats right now. (Anyone want a pet goat? They're environmentally sound lawn mowers.) I took Yelena out of her stroller and we watched them stretch up on their hind legs to chew the leaves off the trees. They obliged us by saying, “Naaaa,” a lot, which made Yelena smile. Then we played on the swings and watched flocks upon flocks of ducks in the grass, snatching up worms that all the rain must have brought up. She stayed awake all the way home, too, watching all the dogs and squirrels.
Upon talking to a loitering zoo volunteer, I discovered that Beth, the geriatric cow (19+ years) died last month, as did the ancient mute swan. No, I did not ask if the former kicked the bucket or the latter sung a mute swan song. Our friendly neighborhood llamas have sojourned to their autumn home at the Farm at the Lincoln Park Zoo. In their place were very two large white goats named Clark and Addison. (The location of Wrigley Field, for you non-Cubs fans out there.) Apparently, the Farm in the Zoo is overrun with goats right now. (Anyone want a pet goat? They're environmentally sound lawn mowers.) I took Yelena out of her stroller and we watched them stretch up on their hind legs to chew the leaves off the trees. They obliged us by saying, “Naaaa,” a lot, which made Yelena smile. Then we played on the swings and watched flocks upon flocks of ducks in the grass, snatching up worms that all the rain must have brought up. She stayed awake all the way home, too, watching all the dogs and squirrels.
Monday, September 11, 2006

I feel less like a reheated turd and my tonsils are returning to normal, even without the tonsilectomy Ari, who is an ENT surgeon, was trying to convince me to have. I used my sick bed as an excuse to re-read the sixth Harry Potter book, thus I am behind schedule on finishing the High Holiday supplemental readings booklet. This bit o' cuteness will just have to tide y'all over until I have a free moment to blog some more.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Sorry to joke about the West Nile, Mom
Ugh. I am riding the rollercoaster of this flu. My right tonsil has grown to epic proportions. Eli took Yelena to her Suzuki class solo this morning so I could sleep and has forbidden me from going to my dance class this afternoon. Waa. I'm going to join Yelena in her nap now. But, before I go, I want to point out that this Suri Cruise may be cute, but she ain't got nothing (except the powers of Scientology) on my baby.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hopefully not West Nile
Just a quickie to let you know we're alive, if not all well. Yelena and I got back from northern Michigan last night (Eli returned Monday). We had a lovely time, but I've been afflicted. In addition to suffering summer cottage bed aches, I am experiencing a headache, sore throat and assorted gastrointenstinal troubles. I've lived through worse, so I imagine I'll be better in a couple days. Except for resisting sleep -- when I need her to sleep more than ever -- the little one is well.