An earful of gunk

Yelena had her 15 month checkup today. Poor little lamb has her first ear infection! We had no idea, since she wasn’t exhibiting any of the classic signs. Well, last Thursday she did wake up in the middle of the night and started wailing when I tried to put her back to bed, but I thought it was because of a bad dream or a tooth. It turns out, it might have been that, too, since her lower right premolar is visibly cutting. (She was unhappy every time I tried to put her back in her crib, finally gave up and took her into the guest bedroom with me so I could sleep. She's slept fine every night since then, so I assumed it was just an anomaly.) Her appetite has waned a bit, but she’s been nursing and drinking with gusto, hasn't pulled her ears and has not been cranky, so who knew? She’s on antibiotics now and Dr. Ramadan suspects that she’ll go back to talking more once she’s recovered.
She weighed in at 24 lbs. 7 oz., 30" tall and 47.5 cm. head; still in the 75th, 50th and 90th percentiles, respectively. Let's hear it for consistency. The doctor asked if she's had a temper tantrum yet, since they typically start at 15 months. I had to laugh. The closest she's come is a raspberry or a grunt. Sweetie!
She weighed in at 24 lbs. 7 oz., 30" tall and 47.5 cm. head; still in the 75th, 50th and 90th percentiles, respectively. Let's hear it for consistency. The doctor asked if she's had a temper tantrum yet, since they typically start at 15 months. I had to laugh. The closest she's come is a raspberry or a grunt. Sweetie!
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