Thursday, November 02, 2006

Base touching and scavanger squirrels

Yelena had a great time playing with her devoted Gramma last week and I got a lot of non-blogging stuff done, thanks to the visit. I am no longer afraid of going into the laundry/storage room, the office no longer looks like a tornado hit it and I planted some bulbs. Six dozen tulips, forty crocuses and six hydrangeas in the front yard. Bulbs are the ultimate in delayed gratification; all that work and I don't even get a shoot for 4-5 months. Hopefully, they aren't just expensive Netherlandish nibbles for the bastard squirrels. I used to think squirrels were cute, now that I have a garden I know them for the vicious, digging rodents that they are. Allegedly, they like to dig up bulbs, take one bite, and then toss them assunder.
Not much else going on here. I'll put up a few new pics of the adorable one soon, but the camera is downstairs and I need to use Yelena's nap wisely. I'm giving a d'var Torah Shabbat next and, since I can no longer do too much personal stuff during my job, I will probably be blogging lightly until the 11th. Who knows, there is always procrastination, my forte. Last night I put some stuff up on ebay rather than writing about the Akedah, so I might be a postapotamus. This weekend I have double dance class (like double Potions...mmm, Snape) on Saturday, since I'm missing next Tuesday for opera, and Sunday I have a workshop in the afternoon, so I am losing my writing time this weekend to dance to Arabic music. I'm such a good Jewish girl.


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