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Yeah, so, I've been busy.
Finally, Yelena got herself some baby legs. I know you're thinking, "What kind of freak puts their baby in leg warmers?" and I'll answer, a smart freaky momma. It's been unseasonally balmy here but, let me tell you, soon it is going to be crazy frigid. When children are carried out to the car, their pants legs ride up leaving their sweet baby calves exposed. Yelena will be spared this indignity as the baby legs will keep her pants down and her legs toasty, but not too toasty as I can remove them easily in the car. They're perfect for after swim class and, since they're one size, when she's being potty trained (which is bound to happen some year) she won't have to be pulling up and down her pants all the time. This is the best darned purchase I've made in a long time.
We had a peaceful Thanksgiving weekend here in Chicago. I like seeing family and all but I loathe traveling this time of year and, after the past four years of either driving in the snow or dealing with overcrowded airports, it was lovely to drive a couple miles to Tony and Eric's place, have a relaxing meal and then spend the rest of the weekend doing just about nothing.
Well, nothing except dance rehearsals. The student show is this coming Sunday and I've been busy with that. I am only doing one dance in the show (a drum solo) -- I was going to do 2 or 3, but I have a kid and can't really make Eli take care of her every night and all weekend. I am in class with women who are literally rehearsing every weekday and twice on Saturdays and Sundays, in addition to taking a couple classes. If I were childless, I'd be doing it too.
It's good that I'm not, since I'm already missing out a few events because of it, and Hugo just announced a last minute trip to Chicago this weekend and now I'll actually be able to see him.
Yelena's ear infection seems to be clearing up and she's been more vocal. After she was diagnosed, I fell prey to some little buggery bug. I haven't been icky enough to call in sick -- if I had a job where I could call in sick -- but my voice is only just now returning to not sounding like a prepubescent boy when I sing about itsy-bitsy spiders and noble dukes of York.

Those are very cute - I'll have to keep them in mind.
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