Friday, June 17, 2005


I called in pregnant today. I did. I left a message for my boss and stated, "Hi, it's Mila on Friday morning and I'm calling in pregnant." Nothing really wrong, just a bit tired combined with the knowledge that if I don't use a sick day or two in the next 5 weeks (5 weeks!) they will be gone forever. The unused vacation time, they pay out, but not the sick days. If I had anything going down at the office I'd be there. I suspect they suspect I am not planning on returning.
So I'm at home blogging from our DSL, able to surf and talk to my honey on the phone simultaneously just like at work. I'm looking out the office window into our back yard and am admiring all the clear dirt along the back of the fence where he dug up the roots of the invasive foliage. Thanks to his hard work, our backyard may actually look like a garden by the end of the summer.
Last night Eli and I saw Endgame at Court Theatre. I am a huge Beckett fan, especially his short plays, but I now understand why Endgame isn't performed as often as Waiting for Godot. The acting was excellent but it was a lot of concentrated Beckett. I appreciate Beckett's writing and worldview, but I'm relieved he's only one of a thousand playwrights. I feel an urge to see a frivolous Restoration comedy right now.


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